Club Officers & Committees

On June 8, 2024 Four Peaks Rotary members induct the 2024-2025 Officers and Directors at annual In & Out Ceremony. The new year begins July 1, 2024. (Pictured left to right, Nick Proctor, Frank Robinson, Isabelle Roethe, Jerry Holtzman, Paul Janis, Jeff Stack, President, Gil Miller, Robin Brand, Julie Ewald, 2023-2024 Past-President, Todd Harris, 2022-2023 Past-President. Not pictured: Joe Cardona.
Congratulations to the new Board, they have an exciting year planned ahead, The Magic of Rotary.
President Elect
President Nominee (26-27)
Immediate Past President
President Advisor
Membership Chair
Communications and Public Relations
Club Administration
Assistant Secretary
Assistant Treasurer

Administration Committee
Chair: Julie Ewald
Members: Jeff Stack, Joe Cardona, Isabelle Roethe, Jack Reynolds, Steve Fox, Tim Taylor, Paul Perrault, Todd Harris,
- Giving Sub-committee: TBD
- Nominations Sub-committee: Jeff Stack
- Club Liaison Sub-committee: Todd Harris
- Club Fundraising Sub-committee: Joe Cardona
- Sanitation / Trash: Jack Reynolds/Steve Gox
- Festivals Sub-committee: Jeff Stack
- Webmaster: Isabelle Roethe

Membership Committee
Chair: Todd Harris, Past-President
Members: Julie Ewald
New Member Application click here

Public Relations/Image Committee
Chair: Debbie Clason
Co-Chairs: Julie Ewald, Todd Harris, Past-President, Bart Shea, Dave DeLucia, Sandy Davis, Nick Proctor, Frank Robinson, Isabelle Roethe
- Image Sub-committee: Julie Ewald
- Social Engagement Sub-committee: Sue Hendershott (Chair) Sandy Davis, Robin Brand, Julie Ewald, Pam Carlson
- Thanksgiving Day Parade Sub-committee: Frank Robinson, Bart Shea
- Memorial Day Display Sub-committee: Dave DeLucia
- FH Community Center Activities and Volunteer Expo: Julie Ewald, Todd Harris, Nick Proctor
- Webmaster Julie Ewald (Chair), Frank Robinson, Joe Cardona, Debbie Clason

Service Projects Committee
Co-Chairs: Jerry Holtzman, Jeff Stack, Frank Robinson, Julie Ewald, Sandy Davis, Dick Bauer, Past-President
- Community: Jerry Holtzman, Frank Robinson
- International: Dick Bauer, Past-President, Manola Tounalom
- Youth: Sandy Davis, Julie Ewald
- Health & Wellbeing: Art Tolis, Past-President, Julie Ewald, Past-President

Youth Committee
Chair: Sandy Davis, Julie Ewald
Members: Manola Tounalom, Paul Janis, Tom Lindsay, Dick Bauer, Past-President
- Interact: Julie Ewald, Sandy Davis, Michelle Carney (Student Advisor)
- Rotaract: (GSU & ASU) n/a
- RYLA and Jr. RYLA: Julie Ewald, Sandy Davis
- Youth Exchange: Dick Bauer, Past-President, Manola Tounalom

Program Committee
Chair: Jeff Stackm Todd Harris
Co-Charis: Nick Proctor, President-Elect
Sargent-At-Arms: Paul Perreault
RotaryMaster Lead: Paul Perreault
Hospitality: Sandy Davis, Pam Carlson, Robin Brand, Julie Ewald
- Speaker Conscription Sub-committee
- Program, Audio/Visual, Banners, Hospitality

Foundation/Grants, Paul Harris & Giving Sub-Committee
Chair: Jeff Stack
Co-Chairs Past-Presidents: Roger Riggert, Todd Harris, Members: Paul Perreault, Sue Hendershott, Tim Taylor, Joe Cardona, Frank Robinson
- Golf Tournament Sub-committee: Joe Cardona
- Flutter in the Fountain Chili Cook-Off: Tim Taylor, Sandy Davis
- Octoberfest Pretzel: Paul Perreault
- Grant Sub-committee: TBD
- R.I. Foundation Liaison: Roger Riggert, Paul Perreault, Todd Harris
*The members are the nucleus and core of two different, but affiliated, Rotary organizations – the Four Peaks Rotary Club and the Four Peaks Rotary Foundation. Both organizations work concurrently to endeavor to attain the goals and objectives of each organization and fulfill the mission of Rotary International.
2023-2024 New Committee:
Create Hope in the World

Health, Wellness and Well-Being Committee
Co-Chairs: Art Tolis, Past-President, Julie Ewald, Past-President
Members: Isabelle Roethe, Debbie Clason, Jerry Holtzman, Frank Robinson
Rotary Mental Health Initiatives Action Group click here
If you are interested in participating on this Committee, contact Julie Ewald directly.
Four Peaks Rotary
PO Box 18111
Fountain Hills, AZ 85269
United States of America
Jeff Stack
President 2024-25

Nick Proctor
President-Elect 2025-26
Frank Robinson
President Nominee 2026-27
Julie Ewald
Immediate Past-President 2023-24

Todd Harris
Past-President 2022-23
Membership Chair
Email: General Inquiry