Welcome to our Club!
Four Peaks

Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Thursdays at 6:45 AM
Fountain Hills Community Center
13001 N La Montana Drive
Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
United States of America
We meet every 2nd and 4th Thursday at the Fountain Hills Community Center

JOIN US on Monday, March 24, 2025

"Salute the Red, White and Blue"

27th Annual Charity Golf Outing
Golf Participation Page  (click here)
Sponsorship Information Page  (click here)
Sponsorship Levels, Opportunities and Benefits  (click here)
Fountain Hills
2025 Community Health Fair
January 25, 2025
Fountain Hills Community Center
Health Fair Information:
Debbie Clason
1st Friday
Fellowship Breakfast
February 7, 2025
Location TBD
hosted by
Scott Sommer, Foundation President, 2020-2022 Past-President
2024-2025 Club  Theme
.People of Action,
Building Community.
Pollinators, Biophilics, Blue Zone Project and more....
Participate to Accomplish and Reach our goals Together, Yes we Can! 
On November 2nd, Rotarians dedicated their Saturday morning to a strategic Four Peaks Visioning Session. As a result of this collaborative effort, the Committee developed a comprehensive 3-Year Master Plan. This plan serves as a strategic roadmap, outlining a clear action plan with defined goals, initiatives, and activities that the club intends to pursue over the next three years. While the specifics may vary, the structure of a Visioning Session plan typically includes key components aimed at guiding the club's future direction.
During the session President Jeff Stack awarded the District 5495 Facilitation Team with the Four Peaks "Presidential Gold Chain" for their dedicated "service above self" contributions they provided to our Visioning Session.  Pictured left to right:  President Jeff Stack, Pam Cohen, DGN Joe Sweeney, Pollyanne Cady, sitting Alan Cady.  Not pictured PDG David Simmer.
Annual July 5th Fountain Park Environment Clean-up Crew!
Phase I completed Saturday, April 27, 2024
Service beautification project was organized by the Four Peaks Rotary Club. All materials and equipment have been generously donated by Shea Connelly Development.
Check out our video all about Four Peaks Rotary club!  Rotarians in Action, "Service Above Self and One Profits Most Who Serves Best."

Rotary members share a unique passion for taking action to improve their communities and the world. Read these stories to see what happens when Rotarians take action to create lasting change. See members in action at one of annual projects during National Make A Difference day. View here.

2024-2025 Rotary Year Theme Announced; "The Magic of Rotary"

RI President-elect Stephanie Urchick celebrates the magic of Rotary. She says members create that magic with every project completed, every dollar donated, and every new member of Rotary.

Theme Colors by RI 2024-2025 PresidentWatch here

Four Peaks Rotarians are proving that even “garbage can be fun” at this year’s Fountain Festival of Fine Arts & Crafts!
From November 8-10, 2024, they’ll be adding a touch of service, humor and community spirit to their cleanup efforts, ensuring the downtown Fountain Hills, Arizona area stays pristine for nearly 500 artists, craftspeople, and countless festival-goers. Their lighthearted approach makes a positive impact while keeping the festival environment enjoyable and spotless for everyone! The weekend was another beautiful event with perfect weather enjoyed by many!
Saturday, March 23, 2024 a few Rotarians attend the annual District 5495 Club Leadership Academy at Desert Willow Conference Center in Phoenix, AZ   Sessions including Grants Management training, Rotary International mental health initiatives, scholarships, fundraising and visioning for your club. Incoming District Governor, Michelle Holcomb hosted the day as she rang in the new year's theme, "The Magic of Rotary." 

Rotarians on Thursday, February 29th from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. gathered at the Fountain Hills Community Center. Over 200 volunteers are helped to pack meals that are distributed internationally by the Food for Kidz organization.  These meals will be distributed locally to the Extended Hands Food Bank of Fountain Hills, AZ Brainfood, which serves school children in the Valley, Native American Urban Ministry and Native American Connections. 

Healthy Fountain Hills: Four Peaks Rotarains provide Service to the Community!

On Saturday, February 17, 2024 Four Peaks participated with another "Service Above Self" community event at the Fountain Hills Elementary School.  The Passport to Better Health was well attended and attendees had the opportunity to meet and chat with over 24 exhibitors and sponsors relating to your path to better health.  Including, several presentations and demonstrations were onsite to attend.  Pictured:  Tim Taylor, Foundation Treasurer, Julie Ewald, Club President, Bill Pape, our Pssiionate Rotarian! 
Four Peaks Rotary table at the Health Fair providing information to attendees on mental health, healthy living and Peace Fellowship Master and Certificate programs now available to apply.    
Healthy Fountain Hills Keynote speaker, Dr. Kristin Swanson is a mathematical oncologist and serves as co-director of the Precision Neurotherapeutics Innovation Program and Director of the Mathematical NeuroOncology Lab at Mayo Clinic. She also holds appointments at Arizona State University and the Translational Genomics Institute. Her team believes "every patient deserves their own equation.
On January 24th Four Peaks Rotary participated at the the Town of Fountain Hills Activities and Volunteer Expo.  Attendees had learning and volunteer opportunities, time to gather information, and speak to representatives from many clubs and service organizations in the town.  Not only did the Expo allow residents to find out what the clubs have to offer it allowed clubs an opportunity to learn and meet one another. A FUN afternoon at the Community Center!  (Pictured left to right: Todd Harris, 2022-2023 Past-President, Julie Ewald, 2023-2024 President and Jerry Holtzman, Board of Director member and Community Projects Co-Chair)
District 5495 Friendship Trophy exchanged from the Four Peaks Rotary to Gilbert Rotary on Thursday, October 5, 2023.
What is Friendship Exchange?
Friendship Exchange is an exchange program for Rotary members and friends that allows participants to take turns hosting one another in their clubs or social event.
    On July5th,Four Peaks Rotary Club in Fountain Hills Arizona USA and a few of the Fountain Hills High School students providing Community Service (graduation hours) participated this glorious morning at Fountain Park to assist the town clean-up the grounds from the fabulous Fireworks Display at the Fountain on the 4th! Thank you Rotarians, Students and a few other residents for your dedicated "Service Above Self" time keeping our Fountain Park environment top notch! We had a lovely breakfast at Phil's to end the morning.
    On May 6, 2023 the Four Peaks Rotarians held a FUN DAY at their 2nd Annual Kentucky Derby Run for the Roses fundraiser to support the Midwest Rotary Disaster Fund and Rotary Polio Fund.  Special guest appearance by Tender Little Heart ponies who were "making friends, warming hearts, sharing smiles and spreading joy, one tender little heart at a time." This year's event was held at the beautiful Desert Canyon Golf Club.
    A two-month Community Paint Project calls it a wrap this Father's Day weekend.  To President Todd Harris's "A Team."  a sincere and grateful "thank you", including many other Fountain Hills Community Service Groups, Businesses, Rotarians, Kiwanians, etc who participated in the beautification endeavor for the FHUSD. The Middle School students will be transitioning to the High School location this fall to a fresh new start!  
    Click Here to view complete Photo Album
    On Saturday, April 29, 2023 more than 150 Fountain Hills community volunteers showed up to paint 14 Fountain Hills Unified School District (FHUSD) classrooms. Representatives from both Fountain Hills Rotary clubs (Four Peaks Rotary and Fountain Hills Rotary), Noon Kiwanis, Town of Fountain Hills and Town Council, Dark Sky Association, Scottsdale Bible Church, Pelligrini and DeGeorge Partners, and Firerock Country Club, joined school staff, students, Key Club and other Town residents to complete the project. President Todd Harris was the Project Champion leading the efforts to a successful community project.

    To think there are thousands of people living in Arizona without access to basic plumbing and clean, running water is unimaginable. But that is precisely the case for the Navajo Nation, located in parts of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah.

    In 2019 Jeff Poynter was optimistic that the project fits well with Four Peaks Rotary’s vision. “We’re a club that wants to help as many people as possible. This is a tremendous opportunity for Four Peaks Rotary to step up and really make a difference in many lives.” 

    PROJECT UPDATE click here.

    Alongside Rotary and DigDeep bring a vital commodity to their ancestral homeland RI article  

    DigDeep was able to install nine home water systems to Navajo families in Dilkon before the pandemic brought the project to a halt. Dilkon is a town on the Navajo Nation located in Northeastern Arizona. Below, Rotarian Project Champion, Paul Perreault and 2022-2023 President Todd Harris on location with the DigDeep team.  Future updates coming in Spring of 2023
    Back in 2019, Four Peaks Rotary President-elect Jeff Poynter (left) and Rotary International project coordinator Jim Bissonet shared Rotary’s plan to initiate underground cistern systems to hundreds of homes in the Navajo Nation. Four Peaks Rotary is hopeful of becoming a part of this Rotary International effort to supply clean water and electricity to the Navajo Nation.  

    A wonderful evening at FireRock Country Club celebrating the successes of 2022 with fellow Rotarians.  In addition to celebrating the 25th club year, the club also celebrated the year of giving by distributing over a $100,000 to local and global non-profits and people in need.  Congratulations Four Peaks Rotarians, cheers to a prosperous 2023 and next 25 years!  See our FaceBook Reels highlights.
             25th                  26th
      Todd Harris   Julie Ewald (Poynter)
        2022-2023        2023-2024
    Follow Us
    February 2025
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    Rotary Action Groups are independent, Rotary-affiliated groups made up of people from around the world who are experts in a particular field, such as economic development, peace, addiction prevention, the environment, or water.
    Rotary Fellowships are international groups that share a common passion. Being part of a fellowship is a FUN way to make friends around the world, explore a hobby or profession, and enhance your Rotary experience.
    Click here to join! 
    March 8, 2025
    Paradise Valley College 

    March 29, 2025
    Prescott Valley College
    RLI Sessions will be available
    Session I, II, III 
    Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI)
    Next Sessions
    January 25, 2025
    Anthem, Arizona
    February 21-24, 2025
    Los Angeles Airport Marriott
    2025 Calgary, Canada
    June 21-25, 2025
    Tapeai, Taiwan
    Honolulu, Hawaii
    June 5-9, 2027
    Contact Us
    Four Peaks Rotary
    PO Box 18111
    Fountain Hills, AZ  85269
    United States of America
    Jeff Stack
    President 2024-25
    Nick Proctor
    President-Elect 2025-26
    Frank Robinson
    President Nominee 2026-27
    Julie Ewald
    Immediate Past-President 2023-24
     : (708) 267-5266 
    Todd Harris
    Past-President 2022-23
    Membership Chair
     : (847) 404-9701
                  Public Relations
    My Rotary Member Sign In
    Access to My Rotary, a place for members to access tools and information to make your membership experience better.
    If you wish to donate to the Four Peaks Rotary Foundation, a not for profit 501(c)(3) organization, click here.
    Four Peaks Rotary Foundation raised over $100,000 for giving in 2022-2023. The funds were distributed amongst Non-Profit organizations within the local Fountain Hills community and around the world. 
    The Foundation graciously thanks all Rotarians and Rotary supporters who helped us accomplish our club purpose of bringing warmth, commitment and care to those in need. 
    Check presentations, 
    Place your business in front of other Rotarians and the general public looking for trustworthy business relationships and a place to hire a Rotarian.
    Register for free Listing here
    Our District 5495 website
    Our Zone 26 website
    Rotary Around the World
    Rotary International and Toastmasters International Alliance form in 2019. 
    See how we are working together - click here
    Information on the Alliance - click here
    Alliance Resources click here
    Visit a local Toastmasters Meeting

    Questions ask Rotarian/Toastmaster:
    Jeff Stack
    Isabelle Roethe
    Julie Ewald
    Tom Lindsay
    11th  Memorial Day Project
    Four Peaks Annual Flags at the Fountain Project honoring the U.S. military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.  Grateful for community participation. 
    Pictures: Click Here